Branded confectionery
Sweet dreams are made of these (ideas)
Selecting branded confectionery items that show good taste.

Taking a strategic approach to branded merchandise is an integral element of deriving coinciding return on investment, especially when it comes to branded confectionery. At Buckner Brand Management, we pride ourselves on making decisions and delivering advice that aligns with our top tips for sourcing branded collateral, meaning that it is of particular importance when we select items to showcase our own brand.

For a recent exhibition that our teams attended, we selected promotional confectionery that we knew would keep the crowds happy and deliver value to our brand, without impacting the planet. Opting for a plastic free box of jellybeans from an Australian producer, this branded sweet treat delivered simple branding and service information and had event attendees coming back for more!

Branded confectionery can play a valuable and affordable role in marketing efforts and has internal and external applications. Whether you’re trying to grab attention at a trade show, add a little more to an onboarding kit, sweeten a product launch or promotion, or simply need a way to help your team to avoid the 2pm crash, branded lollies are available in a range of types, sizes, and packaging options.

If your brand is looking to amplify your marketing efforts in a delicious way, we recommend ensuring you consider the following points:

1. Ensure the product you’re selecting aligns with your brand values, especially when it comes to packaging. Our team can suggest a wide range of conscious solutions that we believe deliver greater impact than those wrapped in plastic.

2. Select the size and quantity that is suitable for your purpose. Consider how you’re planning to deliver your sweet treats and make sure your selection fits. Additionally, only order quantities that you need (and maybe a little more for personal sampling), to ensure that you aren’t left with out-of-date stock.

3. Get creative! Branded confectionery provides an opportunity to have a little fun with your marketing efforts. We personally love red jellybeans in medical vials, chocolate bar credit cards, paint tins filled with multi-coloured candies, and moulded chocolate kettlebells.

4. Incorporate purpose. Try to include contact information, accurate branding, and a few key words that highlight what your brand delivers. The confectionery should be as sweet for you as it is for those consuming it.

For more information on how your brand can incorporate something sweet, or to arrange some samples (for research purposes), reach out to our team via

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